
Information for Joining has changed!

New Storyline: "Legend of the Pheonix", Chapter Three has been released!

Information For Joining!

Hello and Welcome! Here is some helpful information if you are a little confused on how to Join!

Names ideas -
Lunar Wing

Ok, so now you need a rank, well here is the list of ranks you can join as!

  • Hunter
  • Fighter
  • Day Guard
  • Night Guard
  • Egg Mother
  • Newborn
  • Egg(roleplay as newborn)
  • Trainee
(Ranks that are not always options: Leader, Second-in-Command, and Healer)

Ok, now everyone gets angry, so our dragons have some sayings/insults they use to keep their claws sheathed

  • Griffin Dung
  • Castle Remain
  • Smoke Bellow
  • Lizard's Fire(Usually used when insulting a dragon's fire-breath)

Every Dragon has one Element, in addition to breathing fire. You can choose: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Ice, Darkness, and Light

The Abilities of each Element:

Earth Dragons: With focus, these Dragons can grow flowers, brambles, and vines that can trap their opponent or be used as a very effective barrier.

Wind Dragons: Their claws and wings can whip powerful tornadoes and currents.

Fire Dragons: Since all dragons breathe fire, in addition, a fire dragon's firebreathing is more powerful. Also, these dragons, when focusing, can make their claws glow. The glowing claws can burn anything they touch.

Water Dragons: These dragons can control any source of water they see around them, as well as breath water. They can see and breathe underwater.(Cannot control Ice)

Ice Dragons: Can breath ice shards as well as fire, and freeze any water they see(Hard to freeze ALL of a Water Dragons attacks though). Their bodies can adjust themselves in a blink of an eye to survive/be comfortable in icy temperatures.

Dark Dragons: These dragons can transform into a shadow, melting into nothing, though cannot hurt anyone in that state. They can shoot a blast or beam of dark energy.

Light Dragons: These dragons can bend light in any way they want, as well as turn invisible for a very short period of time. They can shoot a blast or beam of light energy.